Airsoft Eye Protection That Doesn't Impeed Periferial Vision

Airsoft Eye Protection That Doesn't Impeed Periferial Vision

Agreement ARMD, the Leading Cause of Blindness in Seniors

22 February 2022 xi:04 AM

senior man struggling to read phone
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) causes of all blindness worldwide . In the United states, 2% of people aged 50-59, and nearly 30% for people over age 75, take ARMD. So, it's understandable that seniors should accept routine center exams to permit for early on diagnosis and handling.

What is ARMD?

Equally you age, a poly peptide called drusen, along with small amounts of fat, form under your retinas. For many people, the protein is harmless and doesn't lead to vision problems. For others, yet, these protein and fat deposits grow larger and shift to the center of the retina, called the macula. As the deposit continues to abound, it prevents oxygen from reaching important heart structures, which leads to permanent central vision loss.

ARMD Symptoms

In that location are 2 main types of ARMD: dry and wet; with dry being the more mutual of the two. The chief symptoms of the ii ARMD variants are the same.

  • Straight-line baloney with lines condign wavy

  • Central vision in one or both eyes is reduced

  • Depression low-cal level accommodation difficulties

  • Color brightness and intensity loss

  • Blurred vision, especially when reading

  • Defined blind or blurry spot

Dry out ARMD vs Wet ARMD

Dry ARMD is much more common than wet ARMD, representing 85-90% of ARMD cases . Thankfully, it also progresses more than slowly, pregnant patients maintain their vision for longer.

With wet ARMD, patients develop abnormal claret vessels in the macular area. These vessels often the leak fluid, leading to rapid and significant vision loss

ARMD Treatment

Treatment for ARMD primarily depends on the type of macular degeneration (dry out or wet) and how far it has progressed. While the symptoms of both types of macular degeneration are like, treatment options are not.

While no handling can reverse ARMD, enquiry shows that maintaining a salubrious nutrition and increasing your daily intake of antioxidants may lower your risks.

In early stages of dry ARMD, treatment may include low vision rehabilitation, which is designed to help yous compensate for loss of central vision by adapting to meliorate leverage your peripheral vision.

In more than avant-garde stages of ARMD, a telescopic lens implant may be an pick. Implants may exist implanted in i or both eyes, and work to magnify your current field of vision.

For wet ARMD, medications may aid finish the formation of new blood vessels in the eye. There are besides therapies to treat the abnormal vessels. These treatments may help slow vision loss, preserve existing vision and potentially regain some lost vision.

If yous notice changes in your vision, or believe you may have symptoms of ARMD, contact North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care at 352-373-4300 to schedule your comprehensive eye examination.

Is Cataract Surgery Major Surgery?

by Damion Wasylow vi February 2022 06:51 AM

patient consulting with eye doctor about surgical procedure
Cataract surgery is among the safest and almost effective surgical procedures in the world. Information technology'southward performed approximately 4 million times each year in the Us alone.

While no surgery should exist taken lightly, cataract surgery is not considered a "major" medical procedure. In fact, cataract surgery is typically an outpatient process, meaning patients are released to return dwelling house the same day. And while cataract surgery is a relatively modest procedure, patients should educate themselves nigh what to wait and so select a surgeon with the right credentials and proven experience.

Major versus Minor Surgery

Major surgery is generally defined by the medical community as whatever invasive process that typically causes enough trauma to require an overnight or all-encompassing recovery stay in a hospital. Major surgeries include procedures such as cardiac surgeries, joint replacements and appendectomies, amid others.

Small surgery is more often than not defined as any surgery that doesn't ascension to the definition of a major surgery. In minor surgeries, there is no need for the surgeon to open the body crenel, neither breathing assistance nor general anesthesia are typically required, and recovery does not require hospitalization. In all these regards, cataract surgery meets the definition of minor surgery.

Cataract Surgery Procedure and Recovery

During a cataract surgery procedure , the surgeon replaces the patient'south cataract-damaged natural eye lens with an bogus intraocular lens implant. The procedure requires only local anesthesia, temporarily numbing simply a very pocket-size portion of the patient's confront, while the patient remains awake throughout the procedure.

Following the procedure, patients are fitted with a protective heart shield and taken into a recovery room while their eyes conform to the new lens. Typically after just 30-lx minutes, patients are released to be driven home. One time dwelling house, they will wear the middle shield off and on as directed for a few days. During this time, vision may be cloudy or blurred. Depending on the patient, that can clear most immediately or inside a week or ii.

Who Performs Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery should only exist performed by a trained and skilled ophthalmologist. Some ophthalmologists, like Drs. Gregory Snodgrass and Matthew Grayness , specialize in the procedure, and have performed thousands of successful cataract surgeries.

When selecting the right cataract surgeon for you , ask about their training, experience and resources, as well as the types of cataract surgery they offer. You may find laser-assisted cataract surgery preferable to traditional surgery , if offered past your ophthalmologist.

Yous may also want to consider their personality. Yous'll likely visit with your ophthalmologist a few times prior to and following your cataract surgery, and so it helps to find an ophthalmologist with whom you're comfortable.

If you or a loved one is because cataract surgery, contact North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Intendance today at 352-373-4300 to schedule a consultation.

Patchy Bullheaded Spots? Could Be Glaucoma

past Damion Wasylow 4 January 2022 11:44 AM

senior man having his eyes examined
An estimated three meg Americans have glaucoma, but only about half know that they have this eye disease. Glaucoma is the 2nd leading crusade of blindness in the world, nevertheless the condition remains a mystery to many people.

It's important to understand the signs and symptoms of glaucoma, and the available treatment options. If you're experiencing patchy blind spots, this may be a central indicator of glaucoma and, as such, it shouldn't be ignored.

Patchy Bullheaded Spots May Betoken Open-Angle Glaucoma

If you're experiencing patchy bullheaded spots either in your fundamental or peripheral vision, it could exist a sign of open-angle glaucoma.

At that place are several types of glaucoma, but the about common is open-angle. Open-angle glaucoma occurs when the center's drainage angle (the point where the iris and sclera come across) stays open, but the trabecular meshwork becomes partially blocked. The trabecular meshwork is a sponge-like tissue about the cornea, and it's where aqueous sense of humour (fluid) flows from the eye.

Over time, the blockage in the trabecular meshwork causes a buildup of pressure, which damages the optic nerve. Unfortunately, the process happens then gradually that many people don't realize there'southward a problem until they start losing their vision.

And patchy bullheaded spots are but ane of several signs of glaucoma.

Other Glaucoma Symptoms to Wait Out For

In advanced stages, open-angle glaucoma tin can cause tunnel vision. This, forth with patchy blind spots, are the two most common symptoms of open-angle glaucoma.

Closed-angle glaucoma (also known as astute angle-closure glaucoma) can cause:

  • Blurred vision
  • Astringent headaches
  • Seeing halos around lights
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Eye irritation
  • Eye pain

This grade of glaucoma occurs when the iris bulges outward and narrows or blocks the eye's drainage angle. The blockage prevents fluid from circulating properly, and pressure builds upwards. Closed-bending glaucoma tin can occur suddenly or develop gradually. In either case, it's a medical emergency that requires immediate attention.

Diagnosing Glaucoma

Diagnosing glaucoma is a straightforward process that starts with a comprehensive heart examination. To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may perform several tests, including:

  • Dilation and imaging tests to look for signs of optic nerve harm
  • A tonometry, which measures intraocular pressure level
  • A pachymetry, which measures corneal thickness
  • A visual field test to check for vision loss
  • A gonioscopy, which inspects the drainage angle

Treatment Options

Unfortunately, glaucoma causes irreversible damage, but routine visits with your centre doctor and following your handling plan can help slow the progression of the disease or prevent vision loss.

Treatments focus on reducing the pressure in your centre and can include:

  • Prescription Eyedrops: The most common handling to reduce pressure in the centre.
  • Oral Medications: If eye drops aren't enough to reduce the pressure, oral medication may be prescribed.
  • Surgery or Laser Handling: When all else fails, laser treatment or surgery may be recommended to improve drainage in the eye and reduce pressure.

In add-on to these treatments, you will need to attend follow-up exams and may need to undergo additional procedures to proceed the pressure nether control.

While in that location is no cure for glaucoma, following your physician's recommended treatment protocol can aid reduce force per unit area in the heart and prevent further damage.

If you're experiencing patchy blindness or any other symptoms associated with glaucoma, contact North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care today at 352-373-4300 to schedule your comprehensive eye exam.

Latest Cataract Handling Painlessly Restores Vision

by Damion Wasylow 4 January 2022 xi:38 AM

senior man gives ok sign at eye doctor office
Cataract treatment has come a long way since the first successful cataract removal surgery back in 1747. Until recently, even so, cataract surgery was notwithstanding exclusively done manually, relying heavily on the experience and steady hands of the surgeon to limit possible post-surgical hurting and discomfort during recovery.

Today, technology gives eye surgeons a dynamic new way to perform cataract removal surgery and the results earn high praise from patients.

Laser-Assisted Surgery is Revolutionizing Cataract Treatment

Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-assisted cataract surgery, using state-of-the-art applied science, like the LenSx Laser Cataract System used by North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Intendance, is more than accurate than traditional surgery and offers pain-free recovery. The system precisely maps the eye using high-resolution images to provide detailed measurements and other data used to perform the surgery.

A estimator-guided laser then makes a tiny incision in the center, through which the surgeon inserts a small probe. That probe emits ultrasonic energy to suspension up the damaged lens. A 2nd probe is then used to suction out the tiny fragments, followed by a third probe used to insert and position the new artificial intraocular lens implant.

Traditional vs. Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery

Many ophthalmologists allow their cataract patients to choose between traditional or laser-assisted surgery, based on their preferences. In either instance, the results of cataract surgery are life irresolute. There's a 98% overall success rate using both traditional and laser-assisted handling options, only with traditional surgery, at that place is a higher risk of side effects.

The primary difference in recovery and side furnishings stems from the fact that light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-assisted surgery allows the doctor to utilize less ultrasonic energy to suspension upwards the damaged lens. This makes the laser-assisted process pain-free.

Discussing your cataract surgery options with your heart surgeon prior to the procedure volition assist you meliorate understand which handling option is all-time for you. More often than not, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-assisted surgery volition exist the optimal choice.

If you lot're ane of the 25 meg people in the U.S. who has cataracts, contact North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care today at 352-373-4300 to schedule your consultation.

Eye Safety Risks Associated with Nerf Guns

past Damion Wasylow 6 December 2021 07:11 AM

child pointing nerf gun

Nerf guns may top many kids' holiday wish lists, but they could also pose a chance to your child's vision. While the projectiles (known equally darts) fired by these toy guns are more often than not fabricated up of squishy Nerf material, the tips are typically hard plastic, and they can travel in excess of 60 miles per hr, resulting in severe impacts to delicate optics.

Nerf Gun-Related Eye Injuries

Being struck in the eye with a Nerf dart can result in haemorrhage, swelling, increased risk of cataracts and fifty-fifty vision loss. In one case, an eleven-year-onetime child suffered extreme ocular damage, including all of the following:

  • Hyphema (claret inside the aqueous fluid)
  • Corneal oedema (swelling of the cornea)
  • Anterior uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of the middle)
  • Localized bending recession (a tear in the ciliary muscle)
  • Commotio retinae (traumatic retinopathy)

Other Toys that Pose Vision Risks

Nerf guns, of course, are non the only toys that pose risks to children's eyes. Toy companies industry and promote everything from BB guns to metal swords every bit safe playthings for kids. When in reality, more than 225,000 emergency room visits upshot from toy-related injuries each year.

Projectile toys are by far the well-nigh dangerous for centre wellness. Whether it'southward sprint guns, paintball guns, BB guns, airsoft rifles or other so-chosen toys that launch objects through the air, parents should exist aware of the real risks associated. Put but, projectile toys are never safe.

Safety Measures Can Lessen the Risks

The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that anyone who does purchase a projectile toy should also enforce wearing heart protection. Safety glasses, centre shields and other protective gear should exist worn at all times while playing with these dangerous toys.

You can besides help enforce eye condom through:

  • Supervision to ensure that your child is being responsible during play.
  • Adhering to the age guidelines set by the manufacturer.
  • Reading through the rubber warnings that come with the toy.

Treating Traumatic Eye Injuries

If your child suffers a traumatic eye injury, it'south wise to get them to the emergency room equally quickly as possible. Immediate intendance tin can assist reduce the risk of permanent impairment. Later on initial treatment, information technology's probable you lot volition be referred to your local ophthalmologist for further evaluation and treatment.

At North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care, we care for a broad range of eye injuries for people of all ages. Contact us today at 352-373-4300 to schedule an engagement.

Wintertime Weather May Trigger Dry Heart Symptoms

past Damion Wasylow 6 Dec 2021 07:03 AM

young man rubbing dry eyes
Subsequently a hot, humid summer, you lot might bask the cooler days of fall and winter. However, with cooler weather too comes drier air. Humidity plummets in the wintertime, and that tin can leave your eyes feeling dry out and irritated.

Preventing Dry Eyes in the Winter

Prevention is key when it comes to dry eyes. There are several steps you lot tin have to assist keep your eyes moisturized and irritation-free during the dry wintertime months.

Employ a Humidifier: Low humidity is 1 of the leading causes of dry eyes in the winter. Forced air heating can really dry out the air in your home and almost other indoor areas. An indoor humidifier can assist restore some wet back into the air and help combat dry optics.

Don't Crank Up the Heater: Go on your habitation equally cool equally comfortable to maintain a more manageable humidity range. While you shouldn't put your wellness at chance, reducing your heater usage can help keep your optics moisturized and forbid dry eyes.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help maintain the moisture in your eyes. Experts recommend drinking a half-ounce to an ounce of water for each pound you weigh.

Limit Caffeine Consumption: Caffeinated beverages are diuretics, pregnant they remove water from your body. If y'all drinkable several cups of coffee or tea per day, consider cutting back.

Shield Your Eyes: Extreme current of air, cold and directly estrus can all dry out out your eyes. Wearing eye protection, utilizing hats with visors and turning machine vents towards your lower body tin can all help combat centre dryness and itchiness in the wintertime.

Remove Eye Makeup Before Bed: Mascara, eyeliner and other eye makeup products can dry out your eyes. Leaving them on overnight may only make the trouble worse.

Treating Dry Eyes

For people with mild, seasonal dry eye symptoms, artificial tear eyedrops may be sufficient to provide relief. They're available over the counter, and you can find them in most drug stores.

For people with persistent dry out eye symptoms, a comprehensive exam from your eye dr. may be in order. Several factors can lead to dry centre syndrome. In one case properly diagnosed, your eye doctor can treat the underlying cause and not merely the symptoms.

The Dry out Eye Heart for Excellence at Due north Florida Cataract Specialist and Vision Intendance is a leader in diagnosis and treatment of dry eye syndrome. Our particularly trained staff help relieve patients' dry eye pain every day. Contact us today at 352-373-4300 to schedule your dry eye consultation.

4 Mutual Vision Bug Associated with Diabetes

by Damion Wasylow 16 November 2021 11:38 AM

man with diabetes testing blood glucose
Diabetes affects many parts of the body, including the eyes. Over time, sugar blocks the tiny, fragile blood vessels in your eyes that connect to the retina. That damage can crusade the vessels to drain or leak fluid. Blockages also cause your body to form new claret vessels that don't office every bit well as the original vessels.

Over time, every bit diabetes continues to harm blood vessels in the eyes, information technology can pb to the evolution of these iv vision issues.

1. Cataracts

People with diabetes are lx% more likely to develop cataracts. Equally carbohydrate levels rise in the middle lens and aqueous humor (the fluid in the front part of the middle), the lens can swell and exist damaged. Additionally, the glucose can be converted by an enzyme in the eye lens into a substance called sorbitol, which has been shown to contribute to cataract evolution over time.

Cataracts crusade the lens of the eye to become cloudy, making it harder for light to laissez passer through and reach the retina. In some cases, cataracts are balmy, and vision is barely affected. Eventually, notwithstanding, vision is then severely impacted that the person cannot see shapes or movement.

2. Glaucoma

Diabetes can as well increment the take chances of glaucoma, and the longer you have diabetes, the greater the risk of developing this condition. In fact, people with glaucoma are twice as likely to develop cataracts.

When fluid tin't bleed properly from the eyes, pressure builds up. That elevated pressure damages claret vessels and nerves, which can alter your vision.

In that location are several types of glaucoma, but the most common course is open-angle. Open up-angle glaucoma tin can be treated with medication that improves drainage and reduces eye pressure. Unfortunately, symptoms may non announced with this blazon of glaucoma until the status has progressed and caused major vision loss. However, your heart doctor can take hold of it during your routine comprehensive center exam.

Diabetes can likewise increase the risk of a less common grade of glaucoma known as neovascular glaucoma. This status causes blood vessels to course on the iris, which prevents fluids from flowing ordinarily and increases center pressure.

3. Blurred Vision

High blood sugar can also cause blurred vision. In improver, when glucose levels are college than normal, it can cause the lenses in your eyes to swell and impact your vision.

While concerning, diabetes-imposed blurry vision can typically be corrected by but getting your blood sugar back to its normal range.

4. Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy develops because of loftier blood sugar levels. Without early intervention, this status tin cause complete vision loss. Keeping your blood sugar levels under control is an effective way to reduce your risk of this condition.

There are two principal forms of this status.

  • Nonproliferative: The most mutual course of retinopathy. Nonproliferative retinopathy causes the capillaries at the back of the eye to peachy and create pouches.
  • Proliferative: A more severe form of this condition. With proliferative retinopathy, the blood vessels become completely closed off, which causes new ones to course on the retina. These new, weak blood vessels can leak blood and cause vision loss.

Significant advancements take been made in the handling of retinopathy. The sooner the status is diagnosed and treated, the amend the upshot.

If yous are diabetic, it's extremely of import to have your eyes examined regularly to protect against and diagnose these potentially serious vision problems. At North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care, our optometrists are skilled at identifying the warning signs early, giving you lot the best chance of maintaining your eyesight. Contact us today at 352-373-4300 to schedule your center test.

Can Young People Develop Cataracts?

by Damion Wasylow sixteen Nov 2021 11:32 AM

middle-aged woman getting a cataract exam
While cataracts occur primarily in senior citizens, they're not uncommon in individuals in their 40'due south or 50'south. In some instances, babies tin can fifty-fifty be built-in with cataracts. So, if you experience cloudy or blurred vision, double vision, light sensitivity, glare or halos, these could exist cataract symptoms, regardless of your age.

Cataract Risk Factors

Historic period is, of course, a major factor in a person's chance of getting cataracts, simply information technology's non the lone consideration. A few additional hazard factors that can increment your chances of developing cataracts include:

  • Eye injuries
  • Diabetes
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays

So, if you want to lower your risk of developing cataracts, consume a healthy diet, avoid corticosteroids and limit or eliminate smoking and alcohol. Wearing UV-blocking sunglasses can too reduce your run a risk. And protect your eyes from trauma. Injury is the most mutual cause of early cataract development in people under the age of 45.

Causes of Cataracts in Children

Cataracts in children aren't necessarily severe early on, and then their vision may be only slightly impaired or non impaired at all for many years. In virtually cases of children with cataracts, the condition is acquired past:

  • Genetics passed downward from parents, which cause the eye lens to not develop properly
  • Genetic disorders, such as Down's syndrome
  • Infections during pregnancy, such as chickenpox or rubella
  • Eye injuries

Teens and children with cataracts that are not congenital often suffer some form of trauma to the center. For example, a child may be striking in the center with a football game or hockey puck, and while their vision may return, cataracts may develop.

Correcting Cataracts

Surgically replacing the cataract damaged lens with an intraocular lens implant is the only ways of correcting vision loss due to cataracts. Regardless of your historic period, cataract surgery will exist required once the cataract limits your vision to the point of interfering with your quality of life.

At North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care, we perform thousands of successful cataract surgeries each year. Our ophthalmologists are specially trained and use the virtually avant-garde state-of-the-art equipment to provide patients with a pain-free surgical feel and speedy recovery.

To schedule your cataract consultation, contact our practise today at 352-373-4300.

iii Tips for Halloween Centre Prophylactic

by Damion Wasylow two October 2021 00:54 AM

young family with halloween decorations
Whether you're a kid, you have kids or you're just a child at heart, Halloween can be a lot of fun. Like nearly things, nonetheless, it'south a skillful thought to take a few practical steps to ensure the fun isn't derailed past whatsoever sort of injury. To that cease, here are 3 tips to help keep your eyes safe this Halloween…

1. Avoid Decorative Contact Lenses

Costume contact lenses are not a good thought. While readily bachelor at costume shops, online retailers and even convenience stores, decorative contact lenses nowadays some pretty serious risks for your eyes. These lenses are often made with questionable materials and may come from disreputable sources. Even the "best" non-prescription contact lenses are unlikely to fit as they should, and almost people wear them without proper contact lens education from an eye doctor. All this adds up to relatively high risk for middle scratches, sores and infections, and potentially even vision loss.

ii. Keep Makeup Away from Your Optics

Makeup and face paint are great accents to many costumes, just merely be careful with them effectually your optics. Some of these products can sting or burn the pare and be substantial eye irritants. Select products that are hypoallergenic and first examination them on a small patch of less sensitive skin to see if you have whatever reaction. Then, once you're ready to apply them to your face up, leave a reasonable margin effectually the heart. Y'all want to limit the likelihood that whatsoever makeup or face paint will make direct contact with any part of your eye.

3. Exit Pointy Accessories at Domicile

From pirate swords to fairy wands, many costumes seem to include some grade pointy-edged accessory. When you consider the potential risk of one of those points making contact with an eye, however, you may decide information technology's best to leave those accessories at home. 9% of all centre injuries are caused by sharp objects. And the risk is elevated when children (and grownups) are running around outside in the dark.

Every bit you caput out for Halloween fun this yr, do so with eye safety top of mind. Taking just a few precautions will help ensure your festive evening won't accept any frightening effects on your eye wellness.

A friendly message from your friends at North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care.

Does Cataract Surgery Eliminate the Need for Eyeglasses?

by Damion Wasylow 30 September 2021 00:47 AM

professional man removing eyeglasses
For many patients, cataract surgery tin can eliminate or reduce the need to wear eyeglasses. Several factors come up into play, including your current eyeglasses prescription, the presence or degree of astigmatism and the intraocular lens implant you choose.

The Cataract Surgery Process

During cataract surgery, ultrasonic energy is applied to break apart the cataract-affected center lens into tiny pieces. Those pieces are so suctioned out, leaving the centre ready to receive a new intraocular lens implant. The ophthalmologist inserts the lens implant through a tiny incision and skillfully moves it into position, providing a permanent fix for cataracts.

As the unabridged heart lens is replaced with the implant, some mutual refractive vision problems (nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism) may besides be corrected as a consequence of the process. This is heavily reliant on your overall vision wellness and the type of intraocular lens implant yous and your eye md choose.

Monofocal Lens Implants

Monofocal lens implants are designed to optimize your vision for ane focal depth. Many patients select monofocal lens implants calibrated to enhance distance vision. While this can render distance vision to near perfection, it by and large requires the patient to wear reading glasses in lodge to see details up close.

In some instances, an ophthalmologist may recommend monovision surgery. Typically, this is reserved for patients who have had previous (and successful) experience with monovision, either naturally or with contact lenses.

With a monovision procedure, cataract-afflicted lenses are removed from both eyes (typically, at separate times). One centre is so fitted with a monofocal lens implant calibrated for distance vision, while the other center is fitted with a monofocal lens implants calibrated for near vision. The encephalon then adapts to automatically rely on ane eye to provide visual information on objects far away and the other to focus on items nearby.

Multifocal Lens Implants

Multifocal lens implants are an heady new development in cataract treatment. Working much like multifocal eyeglasses, multifocal implants tin provide distance, intermediate and near vision correction from a single implant. For many patients, this makes them preferable to monofocal implants or monovision surgery, often eliminating the demand for eyeglasses entirely.

At Due north Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Intendance, we offering ii multifocal lens implant options – PanOptix®Trifocal Lens Implants and IQ Vivity™ Lens Implants. Our practice was paw-picked to be among the get-go practices in the U.S. to offer these lenses due in large part to our track record for delivering exceptional patient outcomes.

If you lot or someone yous dear is considering cataract surgery, contact N Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care today at 352-373-4300.

Airsoft Eye Protection That Doesn't Impeed Periferial Vision

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